Sunday, July 27, 2008

Late night to early morning

Thursday night was A very long night for me and Rick. I had a four hour drive to pick up my brother, Deaven from Rawlins. I had planned on leaving at 7:00pm but Rick ended up working until 6:30. I didn't end up leaving till 8:15pm.

Rick was a little worried to send me off by myself, but could not come with me because he had to work the next day and I was not to be home until around 7:00am.

I was able to stay awake eating munchies and singin at the top of my lungs to the music. Lex was good all the way, He fell asleep shortly after we left and stayed asleep till about fifteen minutes until we arrived.

I had to go to the restroom but was not able to find a gas station that was open at 12:00 in the morning. I was tempted to go behind one of the stations but quickly decided against it and went to were I was to meet Deaven.

I was somewhat scared by all the people wondering the streets that looked like they were up to no good. There were police cars driving around all over the town, were I was, I saw five within ten minutes.

Having them close by gave me some peace, if anything should happen. I locked the doors, laid back as far as I could with Lex right beside me, he was restless, keeping me up for another half hour leaving me with an hour to sleep.

All of a sudden waking up with a start from the knock on the window. I turned around to find a dark figure standing by the car. My eye's came into focus and there stood Deaven, relief came over me and I unlocked the doors for him to get in.

The drive home was the easies. We talked all the way home, giving me a second wind. and just as we planned we arrived just before 7:00am. We said farwell to Rick and then both conked out till 1:00pm

it has taken a few days to feel back to normal. But I can finally say I am there.


Laura said...

Looks like you have been having a blast! I so want to go camping!!! I have not been in years! I think the last time I went camping was with your family when we were in High School!! I am glad you got Deaven safely! Have fun!